Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Owl Dishcloths for My Sister

Hi readers! My blog has moved to https://quietplacesribbonsandlaces.wordpress.com/. Please look there for new updates.

First I should apologize for my long absence, school has been busier than ever lately and as the semester starts to wind down I have more time to craft and be creative.  I thought I'd post an old project that I just got around to finishing. My sister and I have started a habit of sending each other little gifts occasionally, hers are from her shopping adventures and mine are from my crafting exploits.

I found the pattern for the little owl dishcloth here, and I honestly can't remember whether I used a pattern for the big one.  It's just a garter stitch border of 4 stitches around a stockinette center. My owl looks a lot angrier than the one on the pattern website, probably because the eyes are smaller.  This project also reminded me of the importance of blocking before photographing!  I tried without blocking and it was terrible.

I love the way they turned out, and hopefully Alyssa will enjoy them too!  I still can't believe she's old enough to need dishcloths!  I can't help but remember back when I used to knit and crochet little outfits for our Build-a-Bears back when we were little, and now all my work is so adult!